Let’s be honest, the last few weeks have been a rollercoaster and I don’t like those. Life, that trickster teacher, decided to remind me who’s really in charge (spoiler alert: it’s not me). One minute I’m planning my triumphant return to Madrid, the next I’m a tangled mess of deadlines, doctor appointments and dreams. Even writing this feels like trying to solve a math problem, but hey, perseverance!
Here’s the deal: a few weeks ago, I got a little surprise from the medical world – a cancer diagnosis, and in a flash I was getting the tumor removed. Luckily, it wasn’t the Big Bad Wolf of cancers, but still shocking. My medical history is already… extensive haha, but this was a whole new chapter. Blood tests? More than I can count (well I can’t count much). Patience? Tested. Pain tolerance? Put to the challenge, I’m now immune to needles.

Yesterday, I had a tough decision to make: blast myself with “short” chemotherapy to reduce the chances of cancer from coming back, or just keep a medical watchful eye on things with more tests every few months. Let me tell you, the pressure was real. In the end, I went with the monitoring. Why? Because I’m finally feeling fantastic, physically and mentally. My energy levels are through the roof, I’m bursting with ideas, and frankly, I don’t want to put my body through the chemo torture just in case. Plus, I really believe that I’m now and will continue to be healthy. I also believe in the importance of diet, taking care of the body, and natural and integrative medicine.
Now, onto the self-love part, it’s time to treat me with love and care. Gotta keep this disease at bay, right? It’s not a walk in the park, but hey, I work better under pressure! Plus, this whole experience has ignited a fire in me to become the absolute best version of myself. It’s time to unleash the person I’ve been hiding under a rock (of perfectionism) for years!
Yeah, I’m exhausted. The past few weeks have been a battle against pain and frustration, but I’m not throwing in the towel. I’m gonna keep pushing forward, keep being me (flaws and all), and share my journey with the world. Remember guys, time is a funny thing. We don’t know what it really is nor how much we have, so I will stop worrying and caring so much!
A giant thank you to everyone who’s been there for me, even from afar. I’m a lucky guy, with some manufacturing faults maybe, but blessed nonetheless.
Love to you all!
Beautiful. Touching. Admirable. Send you a hug!
Gracias Cris! Hugs back to you 🤗
Si tuviera que definirte en una palabra seria “Resiliencia” se que tomaste la decisión que te deja tranquilo y eso es lo que mas importa ahora. Confío en que todo estará bien, desde la distancia siempre te pienso y te sigo, te envío todo mi cariño y mucha fuerza para que le eches ganas a todo este proceso que se viene. Te Amo mi querido sobrino bello… mi Coco Querido 😘❣️🇨🇱
Me encanta! Es una palabra muy importante para mí ❤️
Gracias tía por estar siempre! 😚
Las experiencias duras siempre nos hacen más fuertes. Eres una persona increíble, muy valiente, fuerte y empática ❤️ Me alegro de que ya te encuentres mejor, ojalá que nos veamos pronto (probablemente en junio)
Te quiero padrino
Pistacho 💓
Sigue sumando momentos a tu hermosa historia, como tu lo señalas nadie sabe cuanto tiempo nos queda por delante… Razón suficiente para honrar la bendición de estar vivos, viviendo intensamente como lo has hecho hasta ahora, un día a la vez.
Desde aquí siempre en nuestros corazones y en nuestras oraciones a tu favor. Un abrazo para ti amado sobrino
Coco! Aquí la Metra xD. Un abrazo grandeee!
Ya que estés compartiendo esto es un avance gigante. Eres una persona maravillosa llena de talentos y no dudo que cualquier cosa que te propongas lo lograrás. Mucho amorcito y hay coco para rato y eso me hace muy feliz 🙃